
Cover for Bujinkan Taijutsu Dojo Aarhus

4 months ago

Bujinkan Taijutsu Dojo Aarhus
Vigtig og god information!Vi er tilbage fra nytår og tager også imod nye elever fra mandag d. 15. Januar!Skriv hvis du er interesseret i at komme forbi til gratis prøvetimer her i Aarhus C 🙂VÅBEN TRÆNINGDa Ninjutsu oprindeligt er en krigerkunst, er våben en central del af vores træning. Vi træner med traditionelle samurai- og ninjavåben som f.eks. stave, sværd, spyd, knive og kastevåben. Fokusset er endnu en gang på, hvordan man med teknik og snilde, mest effektivt forsvarer sig mod bevæbnede modstandere, hvad end man selv er bevæbnet eller ej. Under træning benyttes harmløse attrapvåben.Vi optager nye elever på vores 3 måneders BASIC COURSE som starter 8/1 2024.BASIC COURSE kører mandage 17-19 og tirsdage 17-18.Book en gratis PRØVETRÆNING eller meld dig til via glæder os til at se dig i vores smukke dojo på FrederiksbergKeep going – Michael ... See MoreSee Less
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Vi fik en fin invitation fra Jacob Jensen til at deltage i et seminar arrangeret af Bujinkan Silkeborg. Det kunne vi jo ikke takke nej til!Fantastisk weekend med rigtig god træning. Tak til Bujinkan Silkeborg for at arrangere, og specielt tak til Lubos Pokorny for at komme hele vejen fra Tjekkiet.Vi har fået meget nyt med hjem, som vi skal træne den kommende tid! ... See MoreSee Less
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Kom og prøv Bujinkan Taijutsu! Samuraiernes og Ninjaernes kampteknikker, som i dag bruges til effektivt selvforsvar! 🥷Nyt hold starter Mandag den 11. september. Tag gerne en makker med - de første 2 træningsgange er helt gratis for alle der prøver! 🤩Skriv hvis du har lyst til at prøve, eller hvis du bare har nogle spørgsmål 😁 ... See MoreSee Less
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Når vejret er fantastisk, så søger vi udenfor for at træne. Tak for en fantastisk aften med (gas)grillhygge, supergod træning og med en ekstremt tydelig regnbue der dukkede op!Dojoen holder officielt lukket i Juli, men er stærkt tilbage i August 🙂 God sommer til alle! ... See MoreSee Less
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Are you PREPARED to ENTER THE DOJO ?Many people today are not really prepared to enter the dojo yet even to receive painful experiences. This is really sad.I think the question is a valid one to ask yourself before you enter any martial arts dojo. Remember the practice is for your body and technique to become stronger and for your heart to become more correct. Do you have the correct spirit?Recently I have experienced new students that came to our dojo and after they have a technique done to them by me, they asked me to not repeat the experience to them again. I could see fear in their eyes. Before I never experienced this. I wonder what they are afraid of and why they are here in the first place.Today we frequently see students, enter the dojo, that does not seem to have the right motivation. They seem to not know what they go into. They are not prepared to experience pain and hardship. I wonder if this is a product of the curling generation where many kids today are being protected from pain by being allowed to skip this and that by their parents. This behavior is misunderstood parentship. If you always give in and let your kids always do what feels best in the moment, then they will never develop the muscle to keep going when life gets a bit harder. And it will be.A dojo is not a place where you can tell your sensei what kind of experiences you like or don’t like. It’s a martial arts dojo. A place for your spirit, technique and body to be trained and become stronger. Your teacher is not giving you what you want, but what you need, and he knows exactly how much your body can tolerate before any permanent injury would occur. Soke used to say that until you reach 5. dan it was his responsibility if you got injured during training. After 5. dan it’s your own responsibility. I think this mindset is important for teachers as well as students to have. This means that as a new student you can relax and know that your teacher will not injure you and will most likely care enough about you to give you exactly the experiences you need for your progress as a martial artist. Most likely he knows better than you what you can take, need and what is best for you on your martial art path.You should not ask your teacher for any thing specific. Just come prepared to be exposed to anything when you enter the dojo and accept what is being given to you as a sacred and treasured gift.Bujinkan is an ancient and very REAL martial art. Do you think that your ancestor ninja would say “please do not do this technique on me again” to their teacher during practice?When entering the dojo please know what you are going into. It’s MARTIAL art with emphases on martial for many years until you can enter the artistic level of the fighting skills. You should expect pain my friend. You should expect fatigue, wounds, blood, sweat and even tears. You can expect injuries for days, weeks, months and sometimes even years. I had all of this. Most of the time it will not be permanent although you are never guaranteed anything, and it is only natural that over the years some of your pains will not leave your body. However, this is also the fact if you are not going to the dojo, so you better start to accept and learn to be happy and brave. The proper practice in a martial arts dojo will actually teach you the mindset to stay happy and the correct heart and skills to still be able to move your body despite some physical limitations. My friend, it WILL hurt if you enter a proper Bujinkan dojo and are accepted as a student there. If you are not prepared for pain, then a Bujinkan dojo is not something for you and even life will be unbearable I can promise. A proper teacher of martial arts is not like any teacher you will experience in other parts of life. He will be like life itself. Life is a hard school based on experiences of pain and suffering. What you have to understand is that the pain and suffering you experience is actually the biggest blessing and an act of love from your teacher, cause without them you would not get what it takes to become strong in spirit, technique and body. You need this to learn and accept. When you accept the less pleasant parts of life then dualism ends and in becomes yo and yo becomes in. There is no difference. Students that enter this realm can start to understand muto dori as I see it.I would like all students of Bujinkan to be strong examples with good hearts. Go into the fire like a sword that is being forged by fire and beating. Don’t be afraid to keep going till the end. This is the path of the ninja.Gambatte – Michael Schjerling ... See MoreSee Less
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